Friday, July 21, 2006

The Lord is Our Banner

The Lord is Our Banner
Greetings to all from the capital of Bavaria... and more importantly, tthe beer capital off the world!

Whoo hoo... This is an ir-regular update of my life here in Munich.

The post has been inspired by the insane temperatures here. Today's temperature was around 34 degrees. Heard it was 39 in some other part of Germany! And for all u going 'chey.. singapore hotter what' , no no no, thats not even half the story... The thing is, they dun have air conditioning! Ok, they think that air - conditioning is really really bad for the health. So, in the building I am in, I heard there are only 2 offices with air-conditiong, those belonging to top management. Conclusion: Germany is a truely welfare state. See, if you are not rich enough to fall sick, they make sure you don't! And thus, only top management who are real rich, can afford to fall sick. Hence they get airconditioning... But wait, that's not all! There is no fan at all! Why? Because my company is so poor they dun buy fans for the staff! So wee the staff, get to soak in sweat while we work... Ok, but come to think of it.. that's what blue collared - workers do.. so i think i should change topic...

So the next topic is ICE! yeah yeah.. not ICE as in those fast trains.. but ice as in the solid state of H2O. They dun sell ice here! nott anywhere~! why? because that's unhealthy for you too! When u buy drinks in cups, or in glasses, you just dun see ice in them! It just can't be found here.... OK.. next topic

Next topic! Learn a new word everyday! 'Hitze-frei' Being in a foreign land, learning the language is of utmost importance. Esp words like this! It means... ok, i dun really know the exact translation.. my guess would be heat free! heh.. duh.. no brainer. So anyway, it means when it gets too hot, school children can go home early! So, I used it today! I told a colleague, 'HITZE-FREI!' , coz he asked me to do work. And he was like, Ok, Hitze frei, go home! Whee.. Hmm, but it wasnt all that ridiculously early either. It was 5pm.. but then.. that's really early right?

And for all those who think that Germans are lazy people who work short hours.... You are wrong! hahha My colleague, had so much work to do, he couldnt watch Germany play world Cup live! and the match was at 6pm.. he had to work till 8pm or so! Not that he was forced to , but he just wanted to do things properly and not come up with sth crappy. Ok ok, butt they are still a welfare state. It is illegal to work beyond a certain amount of hours a month.. ok..

watever,,, my brains have been fried, due to the immense heat. You must understand that for people that get winter for 4 months, and 20 degrees kinda temp for another 5-6 months... 34 degrees is simply mad! But of course, the humidity is nowhere like Singapore .. Whooo HOoo.. BEER!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

The Lord is Our Banner

Hi All...

After almost 2 mths, its finally ready... Anita Benson's sermon on.. "The Search for Contentment". Really applicable for our cell at this point. Er... have a confession to make though... when I was typing my sermon notes.. there were a few points that I didn't really understand.. so... don't just read the otes posted.. refer to the verses. It will make more sense =) Enjoy!


Phil 4:10-14
Anita Benson

1) Contentment is learnt
2) Contentment is constant
3) Contentment is elusive

Contentment comes not from getting what you want, but knowing what you already have.

What is NOT contentment?

- Discontentment:
- Can lead to negative attitudes that can lead to negative actions (e.g. Stealing out of greed)
- Discontentment is draining while contentment is restful.

- Complacency

- Laziness

2 sides to contentment (Phil 4:13)

1) God
Gal 4:4 - adoption into God’s family. God does this for us. Are we grateful?
Heb 13: 5 - what God has done

2) Us
- Admit that we are discontented
- Decide that we want to be content and change our attitude

How to learn to be content?

PRACTICE – doesn’t come overnight.

1) Watch your thoughts
- STOP your grumblings. Be filled with gratitude
- Hold on to the truth

2) Watch your comparisons
- Not even downwards (e.g. I’m better off than the next person)

3) Watch the company you keep.

4) Watch for God’s presence wherever u are.