Sunday, February 04, 2007


Ok here's a quick lesson learnt from sunday sermon by John Loong

What does P-R-A-Y means?

P =Practice
R = Relational
A = Asking God
Y = Yielding To God

We need to practice pray often to b able to use it in good measure. The more we practice the better we get.
Christian walk is not a religion as what others sees it but rather a RELATIONSHIP. If you are in a relationship with someone, you would definately wanna talk to the person you love, and spend a lot of time with the person right? So prayer is about communicating with God. It helps to build up your relationship with Him.
In pray, we often ask of Him. Like Bishop John Tan put it. We often fall in the common prayer of G-M-T (ie Give Me This, Give Me That)
But prayer, if often more than just asking God for our needs and wants. Its about asking for the bigger picture in life and for the salvation of the people around us that we love.
Lastly, in prayer we often humble ourselves before the Lord, letting Him take control of the situation rather than we taking control of things.

So a challenge for all, do PRAY. I know i haven't done so for a long time. But an encouragement, just the past week things are beginning to look better for once since Dec'06. The number of prayers I actually made was perhaps more than what i actually did in the past 4 years.(including grace before meals) I am guilty of ignoring Him many times. Perhaps its time to really get serious with Him. One great friend once told me that why people can move on so easily in life. Its because they have found substitues to fill the void and emptiness in them. But he challenged me to let God fill that void in me. Its not easy, mere words are really hard to swallow. But once I actually decided to make that choice, trust me there's lotsa distractions. Handling such distractions are not easy. But through prayer and reading of His Word and devoting to worshipping Him, has brought a lot of joy and peace of mind. Knowing that whatever happens in the future is in His control, not yours. Like a lot of people, i mean really a lot of people told me this. If its yours is yours. So with God in us, there is always an assurance that He is there. He will have a plan to prosper us not harm us. Of course, the walk will never be an easy one. So let me be an encouragement to anyone that I was down but I am moving on not alone but focused on Him. I really thank that great friend for his little words of wisdom, and to those around me who have to bear my constant whinning. (haha you know who you are) Thanks.

I am Back
Progidal Son

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