Thursday, October 26, 2006

Retreat 2006

Hiez... i juz got an email about the details of the retreat.. decided to juz post it on the blog instead
of forwarding the email. The place itself looks quite nice n cosy though =) anyone going?


Venue: Hangout Hotel, Mt Emily ( )
Date: 15th - 17th Dec
Cost: $120 per pax
Early bird rebate*: $15 per pax for first 15 sign-ups
Car pledge rebate*: $20 per car for first 8 cars
Registration start**: 22nd Oct (12am)
Registration close: 15th Nov (10pm)

*Pls note that one may not receive both rebates consecutively. The Retreat Comm will infom all those who qualify for the rebates on a separate basis.

**You may use the attached registration form and send to the retreat email ( for registration.

Pls continue to visit our Retreat blogsite at for the latest retreat updates and news!


Sunday, October 15, 2006

hi all,
here is the seminar on the book of is a 2 two days lesson bypastor benny ho.. a good speaker.. down to earth andeasy to understand .. to put the work of God into ourlife..if u are free, take time to go.. u need to pay andregister.. by email..
Joanne from cara's cell grp will be going ..
whoever wants to go, can email ur interest to everyone and see who else wants to go

"Book of Ecclesiastes">> Part 1>> .....By Ps Benny Ho>>>>>> This book is a journal of King Solomon as he>> searches for meaning in life. His quest takes himto>>
many areas of life including success, power, money,>> politics, relationships, justice, death and>> many more.>>>> Join King Solomon on his journey of discovery>> which takes him from the heights of exhiliration to>> depths of despair.>>>> His observations and insights made so many>> years ago has such a ring of familarity when set>> against the 21st century that it becomes wisdom for>> our living today.>>>> ***NOTE***>>

For those who have already emailed me your>> registrations, you do not need to register again>> through this email, i will be sending you the>> confirmation within the next 2 days.>>>> Part 2 of this seminar will be held in>> November. I will email you when the details are>>
confirmed.>>>>>****************************************************************>>>>>> Date : 18 (Wed) & 19 (Thurs) October 06>>>> Time : 7.15pm to 9.30pm>> (Registration booth will open at>> 6.45pm)>>>> Place: Wesley Methodist Church>> 5 Fort Canning Road SE179493>>>> Registration Fees: S$4/- per Participant>> (Seminar>> Materials will be provided)>>>> HOW TO GET THERE?>>>> Please log on>> in the church name or postal code, and the map will>> be shown)>>>>>>>****************************************************************>>>>

HOW TO REGISTER?>>>> Registration is required to facilitate>> preparation of seminar
materials.>>>> Please reply to this email>> stating your Name andContact>> number. For Group registrations, please indicatethe>> number of attendees in your email.>>>> Upon confirmation of your Registrations, you>> will receive a Confirmation reply, the print-out of>> your Confirmation reply will be your entry ticketto>> the seminar and it must be shown at theregistration>> counter to collect your Workbook.>>>> Appreciate your kind attention andcooperation>> in this matter.>>>> ADMITTANCE is STRICTLY BY REGISTRATION ONLY>>>> Do feel free to forward this email and inform>> your friends of this seminar.>>>>>>>> Thank you.>>>> Have a blessed week ahead. SHALOM!>>>>
Douglas Lim>> ARROWS RESOURCES (Singapore)>>>> Mobile: +65 97484595>> Mailing Address: Blk298 #06-463 Punggol Central>> Singapore 820298

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Lord is Our Banner

A God Centered Life - Nothing but God

Hi people,

Really see that the blog hasn't been used in a looooooooooong time. Really hope to see more interesting posts other than our BBQ order form.

WELL, here's my overdue blog item. Hope it makes sense:

Read something in Tozer’s “The Knowledge of God” that really intrigued me – it said “What comes to our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”

It really says a lot about our focus on God. It really speaks volumes that when we think about God, what do we really see God as? And in turn, what does that say about our lives as His disciples? Are there areas and viewpoints in our lives that need to be corrected? Or is our viewpoint about God spot on?

According to Tozer, the real remedy to the malady of the spiritual lethargy of our lives is to really return to God Himself. In his book “The Pursuit of God”, he notes that “The Bible is not an end in itself, but a means to bring men to an intimate and satisfying knowledge of God, that they may enter into Him, that they may delight in His presence, may taste and know the inner sweetness of the very God Himself in the core and centre of their hearts”. Tozer argues that superficial remedies for our lack of spiritual life are useless; what we need is to return to God, and to learn to reverence, honour and love Him alone.