What it means to me to listen to God all the time: Personally, i have an analogy that describes what it means for me to listen to God all the time. The analogy goes as follows... My brain is like a radio, and I choose which channel i want to tune into. My boss talking to me could be 1 station, my selfish nature telling me to do something that only benefits me at the cost of others' is another channel, my grandma yelling at me is another channel, and the list goes on. Of particular interest is the God channel. I believe that God is constantly talking to us, as long as we try to tune into this 'God' channel. I think that it is a personal choice as to which channel/s i want to tune into at any point of time.
For example, i get on a bus, and its crowded with other nationalities who are talking loudly. One channel could be telling me how irritating it is that i have to squeeze with all these people who are (in my opinion), making the bus ride unglam, and i get irritated. However, if i chose to tune into the God channel, maybe what i would be hearing is that all these people are God's creation that he truely loves and that maybe at that point of time, i should be making a short prayer for them. Or for example, maybe someone irritates me at work by talking a whole load of rubbish. Of course, the most obvious & easiest channel to tune into at that point of time could be the channel broadcasting how irritating that person could be and how much better life could be if he was given the SACK! However, if i made the conscious effort to tune into the God channel, maybe i would receive something of a whole different flavour.
Why I don't listen to God all the time: I believe that if we are faithful with the little things, bigger things will come our way. So let's say i am constantly tuned into this God channel, and maybe i see a very sad & defeated looking person walking along the street and i think that the God channel is telling me to go over and just pop an encouraging word to that person. I lose almost nothing by going over to that person and saying ( of course at the same time looking real genuine), 'You look sad and i just wanted to come over and wish for you that life gets better'. Something like that doesnt cost me much, and issint too difficult for me to do. However, what if i am constantly obediant and one day, as i am thinking about my life and in general just tuning into the God channel and i hear this, 'Why don't you forgo the savings you have put aside for your PS3 and LCD tv and donate it to this particular charity fundraising cause or just give it to this person who you know needs the monetary help?' What am i to do then? give up my PS3 and my LCD tv? but can i do it? Or, what if after many years, i suddenly keep on hearing in this God channel that i am meant to leave singapore and go work in a less developed country... i can imagine what it is like to live in a poorer and less clean place, and the thought really doesn't make me excited.
Of course, i know that God has a wonderful plan for me and that a life led according to his will is more satisfying than any PS3 , nice apartment, air-conditioned tennis courts, great Weiss Beer, that new Mini, could bring me (maybe his will also includes all this and more). But, the distance between the heart and mind is great, and i am comfortable with what i have now... And sometimes it makes me nervous to listen all the time just in case something sacrificial comes up and i have a great struggle to give it up... Of course, i plan to work on living the life God intends and align my life according to his will. I know it is not easy for me.
Erm, and here i end my post abruptly...