Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Edmund Chan's testimony
I was a non-Christian for the most part of my life until the first year of army. In the past, I have attended catholic schools during primary and secondary school, and finally, a Christian JC. Along the way, I was, of course, exposed to Christian teachings. Though I innately believed in them, I didn't give much thought to becoming a Christian. I mean who will actually think so much about such stuffs! Anyway, there were many other reasons why I did not want to be a Christian. Who wants to sacrifice their Sunday mornings? Also, I have a perception that most Christians are hypocrites. And, I believe that all religions lead to god and it doesn't matter what you believe as long as you are a good guy. So, why bother?
All these things change one month after my A Level. My beloved father was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer. It also didn't help that my family is not well to do. My father is the sole breadwinner and he is a taxi driver. My sister is also in her primary school and my mum has been a house-wife for the past 20 years. Also, it doesn't help that my brother and I were going to NS soon. In short, my situation looks quite bleak.
In such dire circumstances, I turn my eyes to Jesus. I don't know why. I just pray and pray, but, nothing happen. Instead, things took a turn for the worse. I witnessed my father change from a bubbly fat man to a very skinny man with an inflated belly. Simply horrible! I cried; I complaint; I got angry; I pray. But, still nothing happen. I was desperate.
To cut the long story short, my father passed away after 7 months. My entire family witnessed his last breath at SGH. God doesn't seem to be there. Where is God?
A few weeks later, I realized that God is indeed there. It appears that some of my mum's Christian friends came to visit my dad in the hospital. They prayed for his health and, guess what, my father choose to accept the lord as his savior during one of the visits. Amazing! This news was broken to me when my mum's friends came and visit us a few weeks later. It was then our entire family accepted the Lord as our personal savior and friend.
Becoming a Christian is definitely not an easy journey. In fact, until now, a lot of my questions were not answered. Why must my father who is a really good and honest man die? Why didn't God save his life? Is God cruel? Our family all love each other so much. Why must God take away something that is good?
However, over the years, I have learned that, despite these questions, it does not mean that there is no God. There is! God is Jesus who dies on the cross. He loves us so much that he paid the price for our sins. He truly loves us and all we need to do is to reciprocate. Leave all the questions to when you reach heaven and focus on what is really important in life - knowing your creator God and getting to heaven.
Most people who share their testimonies will often illustrate how God has blessed them so much. Likewise, I can go down this route. God has blessed me infinitely, way beyond what I expect. Off the top of my head, I have many examples – getting 4.01 cap score for 2nd Class Upper honours (must get 4 and above to have 2nd Class Upper), passing my first driving test despite getting a failure score of 22 pts. I can share a lot more. Trust me. However, I will go deeper. I will proclaim why I love and accept this beautiful God.
Three main reasons:
1) Look at creation- the birds and the bees, the sun and the moon. All these bear testimonies to a creator God
2) Look at historical records. They will show you that the bible is true. They will tell you that Jesus walk on earth and it is more than enough to prove objectively that Jesus is God
3) Look at the lives of my cell group members. They have many evidences and stories to prove how God is so real and how God loves them so much.
At the end of the day, I can say until the cows come home. It is pretty much up to you all. In this Christmas, many people exchange and receive gifts. And the greatest gift you can ever receive is Jesus Chris who loves you so much and died on the Cross for our sins. And like all gifts, it depends on whether the receiver wants to accept the gifts or not. I hope you can accept this gift. Amazing love.
Merry Christmas
Friday, December 19, 2008
Prayer Requests
1) Her mind be transformed by God
2) Godly mindset
3) Always meditating on God
Hoi Yan
1) Communicate better with God
2) To learn how to pray to God
3) To know how to relate to God
4) Need better guidance
1) More discipline
- Not to snooze after alarm clock ring
- Not to find excuses not to do QT
2) To focus on what is important
- Not to do things just to satisfy conscience, but to do QT coz he loves God
1) Meditating on God's word
2) To focus
3) To enjoy learning and growing in God
1) To be contented in God in where he is and where God is going to lead him
2) To relinquish his life
3) To listen more and spend more time to listen; not to talk so much when communicationg with God
1) Fix his eyes on God; and not on circumstances & man
2) To love God
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Questions abt Christianity
Here is a sample, answers anyone? I will be doing some research on these topics too. I think it is good knowledge to have.
1)How was the early church formed?
2)Are Roman catholics, catholics? What's the difference?
3)What are the fundamental differences between Catholics and Christians? Do we all believe in the same God? Should I view a catholic as a brother/sister in Christ as well?
Are catholic practices right or wrong? Who is right? Christian or Catholic?
4)Do muslims believe in the same God as Christians? i.e Is Allah the same god as the God we believe in?
5)What happens when we die? Is hell an ever-burning place like the Lake of Fire described in the book of Revelations?
6)What about those that died before Jesus came? Do they stand a chance?
7)Do the Jews believe in the same God we believe in? What will eventually happen to them since they still do not believe that Jesus is the Messiah.
Anyone has any answers or books to recommend? I dont really trust wikipedia. Thanks.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Sermons on COR website
Just thought some of you might be interested in listening.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Duty Roster for Oct - Dec 2008 is out!
Do take note of your dates and do a mutual swap if you're unable to make it.
Monday, July 07, 2008
Duty Roster (Jul to Sep 2008)
Here's the duty roster*. Please arrange for the swap in duties if you're not able to make it for the allocated slot. Pls try to update this spreadsheet too so that all will be informed. You'll need to login to update.
* Last updated on 13th July.
**Note: Person in charge of leading Word will have to arrange time and venue as well.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Choices & God's Will
When You Have Two Good Choices
Ray Pritchard
Keep Believing Ministries
An email arrived from a friend with a question that came up during a discussion time with some young women–most of them in their early 20s. All the young women are single. Here is the question that came up during the discussion:
“How do you make decisions in life when both roads seem to be good?” We were talking about having a “willing spirit”, and I asked them if there was anything God was asking them to do and if their answer would be yes to whatever he was asking of them. Some of them are faced with future decisions and not sure how to come about with making those decisions, especially like I said before that both roads seem good. I think they just don’t want to make a “wrong” decision. Thoughts?
This is a nice kind of question compared to a lot of things people ask me. The real answer is that with the Lord, when your heart is truly willing and open, there are no “wrong” decisions. Sometimes we get hung up on doing the “perfect” will of God and being in the “center” of his will. While I understand what those phrases mean, they are not describing a biblical perspective. The truth is, you can’t know in advance how your decisions will turn out. Sometimes (often) we choose to go in one direction only to find out later that it didn’t work out the way we expected. And sometimes we seem to foul up only to discover that God uses that difficult time to deepen our walk with him and ultimately to get us where he wants us to be.
The only thing God wants from us is an open heart to do his will. And if our hearts are open, when faced with two “good” choices, and when we have prayed, meditated, studied Scripture, considered the circumstances, weighed the pros and cons and sought godly counsel, when all of that is true and both options still seem good to you, well then, just close their eyes, take a deep breath, and then go and do whichever one you prefer. After all, God is perfectly able to lead us forward when we are willing to be led.
Sometimes we waste enormous energy seeking something God never promised. We want a guarantee. We want to know it’s all going to work out. We want all the uncertainty taken away. After preaching on this a few years ago, a man came up and said, “What you’re saying is, ‘We’ve still got to choose.’” Bingo! We’ve still got to choose. It’s going to be Wisconsin or Washington, dental school or the Army, Georgia Tech or Wheaton, Mike or John Mark, an SUV or a Mini-Cooper, a Mac or a PC, buying a new house or fixing up the one you have. You choose this doctor and that treatment and not some other doctor or some other treatment. And so it goes through all the decisions of life.
Knowing God’s will can never remove the uncertainty—nor should it. The uncertainty is good for us because it keeps us trusting and praying, it keeps us from being overly self-confident.
When your heart is right and you are faced with two good choices, take either one you like. And trust God with the result. If the heart is willing, the decisions of life will take care of themselves because God will direct your steps exactly where he wants you to be.
Final word. It all goes back to your view of God.
Is he sovereign?
Is he good?
Can I trust him?
It’s not about your decisions, and it’s not about your future, and it’s not even about you. It’s all about God. When we start from that perspective, we can make our decisions even in times of doubt and uncertainty, and we can sleep well at night knowing that our God will put all the pieces together in exactly the right way.
---Ruijie. Taken from an encouraging blog I've read. :)---
Monday, May 19, 2008
Listening to God all the time, & why i don't do it
What it means to me to listen to God all the time: Personally, i have an analogy that describes what it means for me to listen to God all the time. The analogy goes as follows... My brain is like a radio, and I choose which channel i want to tune into. My boss talking to me could be 1 station, my selfish nature telling me to do something that only benefits me at the cost of others' is another channel, my grandma yelling at me is another channel, and the list goes on. Of particular interest is the God channel. I believe that God is constantly talking to us, as long as we try to tune into this 'God' channel. I think that it is a personal choice as to which channel/s i want to tune into at any point of time.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Let's pray for the survivors of the Myanmar cyclone and Sichuan earthquake
"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:19-20
If you're not too sure where to start, here's a prayer list that my fren compiled...
Myanmar cyclone:
- New storms worsen Myanmar's misery, many destitute victims begging for more aid on roadsides.
- 2.5 mil people left destitute by the disaster.
- Military government’s restrictions on movement for most international aid workers and ban on foreign journalists à can't assess the death toll accurately.
- Military government refusing the entry of major aid distribution networks run by foreign agencies and workers.
- Protests were planned in >30 cities around the world on Sat "to demand the world does more to aid cyclone victims", even if it meant acting without Myanmar's permission.
- If emergency supplies don't get through in much greater quantities à increased likelihood of starvation and diseases e.g. diarrhoea, dysentery and skin infections (first cases of cholera already confirmed).
- Rumour: local military units are expropriating trucks of food, blankets and water.
- Pray for better weather, so that the survivors can have better living conditions and the relief effort can be carried out smoothly.
- Pray that it won't develop into an epidemic.
- Pray that more emergency supplies (and potable water) and medical supplies will reach the survivors.
- Pray that God will sustain the survivors physically and emotionally and grant them good health despite unsatisfactory living conditions.
- Pray that international pressure would induce the military government to admit foreign aid workers and essential equipment into the disaster-stricken areas.
- Pray that more humanitarian aid can reach the destitute victims ASAP.
- Pray that the local military units will have more compassion and conscience towards the survivors, and don’t hoard the supplies and sell them for exorbitant prices.
- Pray that all the aid can be distributed in a transparent way so that the supplies would go directly to the victims
- Pray that from this disaster, Myanmar government will recognise the need to preserve and protect mangrove forest and rehabilitate degraded cover by establishing proper land-use plan.
Give thanks that…:
- Ordinary people are trying to help by sending trucks and vans into the delta with clothes, biscuits, dried noodles, rice provided by private companies and individuals.
- France and Britain are sending emergency supplies to Myanmar. Britain is contributing a total of 17 million pounds worth of aid. France is sending 1000 tonnes of emergency supplies (enough to provide 100,000 people with food and clean drinking water for 2 weeks).
A French ship carrying mosquito nets and shelter for at least 60,000 people left Chennai port overnight and would take 3 days to reach Myanmar's waters. - Pray that it would be authorised to enter Myanmar's waters.
China earthquake:
- Powerful aftershock (5.9 on Richter scale) 4 days after the quake caused more havoc: cut off roads and destroyed newly repaired telecommunications.
- Pray that there won’t be any more serious aftershocks so that the rescue and relief efforts can be carried out smoothly.
- Precautionary alert against possible radiation leaks: the disaster area is home to China's chief nuclear weapons research lab in Mianyang and several secretive atomic sites.
- Pray that there won't be harmful radiation leaks and that the authorities would be equipped with enough wisdom to handle this issue safely and effectively.
- Frustration and exhaustion grew among survivors. About 4.8 million lost their homes
- Pray that God will grant them peace, comfort and hope, and sustain them physically and emotionally.
- Aid and troops have yet to reach some victims --> not enough food and clean drinking water resulted in diarrhoea.
- Supplies and rescuers struggled to reach the worst-hit areas (due to buckled and blocked roads).
- Pray for better weather to open up transportation to all areas.
- Pray that more emergency supplies and medicines can be delivered to the needy.
- Concerns about epidemics (if the dead were not soon buried or cremated)
- Pray that the corpses can be buried or cremated asap to prevent epidemics.
- Possible dangers of damaged dams collapsing or flooding (could flood cities and towns that are struggling to recover from the quake).
- Pray for the authorities to be equipped with enough wisdom and knowledge to repair the damaged dams asap to avert potential disasters.
- Pray that the contractors in China would adhere to the building safety regulations more strictly and construct earthquake-safe structures.
Give thanks that…
- China has accepted help from foreign rescue teams from Japan, Russia, Taiwan, South Korea and Singapore.
- World Food Programme is sending enough ready-to-eat meals for 118,000 people
- China has asked the US for satellite images to help locate victims and identify damaged infrastructure.
- China has requested talks with US experts on disease prevention.
- Pray that the proactive stance China has taken (and its willingness to accept foreign relief aid) in the rescue and relief efforts would enable the quake victims to get all the help they need to survive the aftermath of the quake and rebuild their lives.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- amy -
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Doing God's Will
This is what I have learnt after doing my QT on Tues. I was reading John 7 where Jesus was teaching at the Feast of the Tabernacles. This event was one of the three Jewish religious festivals(according to Nelson's NKJV Study Bible), the other two were Passover and Pentecost.
The verse which Jesus spoke of which I want to share is from verse 16-17,
"My teaching is not my own, it comes from him who sent me. If anyone chooses to do God's will, he will find out whether I speak of my own." John 7:16-17
This verse speaks to me because I have been skeptical about doing God's will.
Eg. "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well." Matt 6:33. This verse means that nothing should be higher than God in my life. Not my career, relationships, grades, dreams and pursuits. This is a struggle because I want all these things of which most are really typical wants in a capitalist and prosperous nation like Spore.
Doing God's will requires a surrender of all these wants to God and seeking him first. This requires me to make different choices daily. One example would be choosing to take time to pray and read the bible at night instead of rushing to do work to impress my manager just because he can influence the grading for my attachment. Sometimes I feel that there is a conflict between what I want and what God wants.
Verse 17 reassures me because Jesus himself says that if I do God's will, I will find out if his words and promises in the bible like Matt 6:33 were empty words or whether he speaks the truth. That would either make Jesus a liar or truly the Son of God.
After meditating on this verse, I am confident of the promise that when I choose to do God's will, I will find out if all of Jesus's promises were from God and whether they were true. Only then will I be "able to test and approve what God's will is - his good pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2.
Thanks for reading. Do God's will today.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Loving pple who just seem to irritate you?
C.S. Lewis said,
The rule for all of us is perfectly simple. Do not waste time bothering whether you “love” your neighbour; act as if you did. As soon as we do this, we find one of the great secrets. When you are behaving as if you love someone, you will presently come to love them. If you injure someone you dislike, you will find yourself disliking him more. If you do him a good turn, you will find yourself disliking him less.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Encouraging One Another
The template for the sharing will be as follows, this is just a guideline for those who have no idea how to start.
1. Verse. Place a verse from the bible or a thought that God has impressed on your heart. The thought could be something that you have learnt from your daily devotion or from a book you have read.
2. Observe. Eg. Who spoke of the verse? What was the background of the verse?
Interpret. Eg. What does this verse tell me about God’s character? Is he a faithful God?
Application. How does this verse apply to my life? How can I use it in future?
3. Conclusion. Pls remember to leave your name :)
The timetable for monthly blogging is as follows:
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Please do not feel obliged to blog only once a month. Feel free to blog more than once a month about what you have learnt or any lessons that you feel God is teaching you.
Let us not give up the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another- and all the more as you see the day approaching. Hebrews 10:25
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Scripture Memory Verse (SMV) Update
"Then Jesus came to them and said "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Matthew 28:18-20
"Come, follow me," Jesus said "and I will make you fishers of men."
Matthew 4:19
I have already updated the scripture memory verse link(its on the right side) so you can print it out and also especially for those who are highly motivated to memorise the scripture ahead of the rest of the cell group.
I have also added the theme of each verse above the verses so that we can better understand what the verses are used for and it helps us better understand the theme behind each verse.
I want to encourage everyone not to see memorising scripture as a burden, but meditate and reflect on what the verses mean to you and how God would want his word to applied in your life everyday.
Try not to memorise these verses blindly, on the contrary allow the Lord's word to shape and your renew your mind daily especially after a hard day's work.
-Your friendly cell member ==Ruijie==