Friday, February 27, 2009

Godliness with contentment

Recently, I was led into this verse in 1 Tim 6:6 "But godliness with contentment is great gain"

This is a really interesting verse and it has much relevance with life.

There are essentially 2 main parts here - godliness & contentment. I have seen cases of godliness w/o contentment, contentment w/o godliness, and, of course, godliness with contentment. Needless to say, the optimal state will be godliness with contentment. So, it begets the question on how do we achieve that.

Do we fight for it? Is it a matter of attitude? Or is it just one's circumstance that allows you to follow your principle? Or is it even the people around you that encourages and moves one to adopt godliness with contentment?

Well, i will say all and/or some of the above. It really depends on 2 factors - God & you.

Firstly, godliness with contentment requires grace from God. And grace requires love & generosity. The God I know have all these; He loves us and he is wonderfully generous. Through His character, the outpouring of His grace overflows. There are so many examples in my life whereby his simple & beautiful grace touches me deeply.

Therefore, if God allows & in his perfect will, one will surely have godliness with contentment.

Next, if godliness with contentment depends on the individual. A father may give you good gifts but if you do not accept it, it is really too bad. The receiver needs to play his part. God may you give you a powerful toolkit - bible, church, friends and family, and even the Holy Spirit. But, if you one refuses to be a carpenter and build & repair your life, the wonderful gift of Jesus Christ can be futile.

In short, it can be tough or even easy to be godly with contentment. It really depends on God & you.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Beautiful Worship Song

Hi everyone , I would like to share a beautiful worship song to encourage all of us. The lyrics of this song speaks of the identity that we have in Christ and the hope and promise that God has given to us as His children. Hope that it will encourage you as it has encouraged me.

The title of this song is Before the Throne of God Above.

Here is the youtube link,




Before the throne of God above
I have a strong, a perfect plea:
A great High Priest, whose name is Love,
Who ever lives and pleads for me.

My name is graven on his hands,
My name is written on his heart;
I know that while in heaven he stands
No tongue can bid me thence depart
No tongue can bid me thence depart.

When Satan tempts me to despair,
And tells me of the guilt within,
Upward I look, and see him there
Who made an end of all my sin.

Because a sinless Savior died,
My sinful soul is counted free;
For God, the Just, is satisfied
To look on Him and pardon me
To look on Him and pardon me

Behold him there, the risen Lamb
My perfect, spotless righteousness,
The great unchangeable I am,
The King of glory and of grace!

One in himself, I cannot die
My soul is purchased by his blood
My life is hid with Christ on high,
With Christ, my Savior and my God
With Christ, my Savior and my God

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday Service_15 Feb

1) Those who know how to pray & give thanks - will usually have a healthy life

2) Be a man of joy and thanksgiving & prayer

3) 1 Ths 5: 16 - 18 Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus.

4) Thanksgiving is a gift of God. We must have a positive mood of thanksgiving and appreciation. This will be a blessing to others.

5) Count your blessings. Name them one by one

6) Instead of being critical and complaining, remember the small blessings from God.

7) 1 Tim 4:4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving.
Don’t complain about food. Give thanks for your food.

8) Let us focus on God and not our problems. God is bigger than our problems.
Rom 8:28: And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.

9) Pray always, Give thanks

10) We should practice thanksgiving as our lifestyle

11) Thanksgiving => more joy

12) If we are thankful for one another, we will complain less about other people.


Sat Service Notes_14 Feb

I took down some notes/minutes from Rev John Sim and there were some really good gems. I thought i share them with you all.

1) Great attitude to love God’s word – equivalent to loving God with all of our mind.

2) Cornelius’ problem with the Jews have not deter him from knowing God
What do our colleagues and friends see in us? What do our colleagues and friends see in us? Like Cornelius, people hope to see a Christian friend. People want to see us handle work with passion, enthusiasm, Christian ethics, hope and fear.

3) We are privileged to know God who lavishes us with so much grace
The world is searching for God. People are looking for church to provide us that.

4) Each one of us must experience spiritual reality for ourselves. Spiritual reality has got to do with belief in God and your walk with God.

When is the last time you heard His voice? It is something we need to reclaim and restore it in our lives. We must be passionate for God’s word if we want to hear his voice.

Key to spiritual growth is training, discipline and your heart. We must be mindful to guard your heart

5) Peter is ready and, thus, was used by God to reach out to Cornelius. Thus, the divine encounter took place.

6) Be an example to others when reach out to other people.
People don’t need to know what you fail. Don’t tell people about the bad news.
Instead, share with people on how good God is. People want to hear how good God is, how he has helped us. People don’t want to hear any more complaints, like everyone.

God is good. Say Good morning to the Holy Spirit.

7) Don’t be like Peter and be judgmental. There maybe something that you dun like but dun let it hinder you.

8) Sometimes, we are anxious and miss God out. Sometimes, our lives are filled with problems and frustration. Maybe our hearts are weighed down by the anxieties and our ground is not saturated by the Holy Spirit. And, because we are anxious, we miss out the things that God is working at. Perhaps, his plans and purposes are through the problem and through the people that God brought to our hearts. And we come away defeated.


What is your love languages?

When two people are in a relationship, it is important for each one of them to demonstrate in some way the importance of the other in his/her life. The problem often arises in a relationship when these two people don’t speak the same love language. They don’t speak to the other’s deepest emotional need (a need that has been shaped by their childhood). We want to be loved by the other and valued as worth loving by that person. So how you express your love is important in a relationship. You may be saying, “I love you,” to your significant other, but he isn’t hearing it because he doesn’t speak the same love language.

The Five Love LanguagesBy Gary Chapman:

1) Words of Affirmation-Some people need to hear the words from their loved one to believe they are loved. They need verbal compliments and praises.

2) Receiving Gifts-To others the receiving of a gift from their loved one tells them they are loved by that person. The gifts don’t necessary have to be expensive. The thought behind the gift is what is most important. It tells the person he was thinking about her. In a time of turmoil the gift of your presence can be what is valued the most.

3) Acts of Service-There are some who need love expressed through doing something for them. It could be something like doing the dishes or taking out the trash. It is important that the act of service is given freely, not demanded.

4) Quality Time-Another love language is spending quality time with your loved one. I don’t just mean being with him. I mean really talking and listening to him. You must be totally focused on him to the exclusion of everything else. Within this are also quality activities. When doing things together, one should want to do the activity and the other has agreed. You are showing your love by doing the activity together.

5) Physical Touch-A touch on his arm as you walk by, holding hands on a couch, or a back rub when he is tense can be to some an expression of love. There are many levels of physical touch and not all have to be intimate to show you love someone.With your characters determine which love language he/she speaks and use that in your story to show love as well as to keep a distance between two people. An example: A woman who needs words of affirmation from the man she is dating and he is the strong, silent hero—doesn’t express his feelings well. There are so many possibilities to use the five love languages.

To find your love languages, go to this link:

Thursday, February 12, 2009

00's Reflections...

v23 Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. V24 See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139

v8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the Lord. V9 As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55

I hope that by mediating onto these verses, my heart and my mind can be refine by Him daily. As the Lord says in Jeremiah 17 v 9 " The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?"

Love, 00

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Past, Present, Future

Recently, a colleague commented that the three most terrible people on the floor are all Christians. I quite agreed with him. No sense of commitment in their work, no compassion and respect for other people and no sign of professionalism. But when I look at them, they are all very happy.

On the other hand, some Christians that I know who may have a good attitude for work and yet they seem to be very unhappy. Maybe they are at a very low point of their lives. But I am not quite convinced that this is the root cause of their unhappiness. They are very devoted and faithful Christians. Are faith and trust in God not enough for them to be reassured and stop being angry or fearful of the situations that they are in?

This is quite disturbing for me. I do want my friends to be happy, but I know there is nothing that I can do. They are smart and matured people. They understand completely the situation they are in and what they should do. They also know turning to God for guidance and support. But why are they still unhappy? I remember receiving a powerpoint presentation called "A Present" ( A Present from God). I think this is the key to this. Smart and matured Christians sometimes hink too much. They think about the Past, the Future, but have forgotten about the Present. Knowing that you are living in the Present is innate to us. But when people start to think too much, this knowledge is forgotten. Babies are happy because they don't know much and they don't think much. This innate knowledge is obvious to them.

C.S. Lewis has said that God wants us to concern with eternity or with the Present only.

“either meditating on the eternal union with, or separation from, Him, or else obeying the present voice of conscience, bearing the present cross, receiving the present grace, giving thanks for the present pleasure.”

When people are unhappy, they have probably forgotten that they should treasure whatever they have in the Present. It’s only at Present, are all the “duty, all grace, all knowledge, and all pleasure dwell”. The Past is unchangeable, we can only learn from it; the future is unrealistic, we can only labor faithfully in the present and commend the cause to God. Our lives may be taken away the next day or even the next minute. If you are told that you only have ten more minutes to live, I am sure that all the things that you cannot let go can be let go. All you want to do is to use this ten minutes to tell the people that you love you love them, or you may even love those around you whom you may not quite like if not at this last moment.

The present from God may not be a nice and happy one everyday. But it's still a present from God. We should enjoy each day given by God. If we are being reminded of this, maybe we can be happier.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

The beauty of Esther (esther 2:22-24)

When Queen Esther was faced with the impending destruction of her people, she knew she had to break the law to make a request to the King. Instead of panicking and focusing on the problem, she told Mordecai to fast and pray for three days before she goes to see the king.

This is amazing. It is a tremendous display of courage and faith. Such bravery can easily put Mel Gibson from Braveheart to shame. She is willing to sacrifice her life, reputation and good life.

Over the week, I was reflecting on my personal meaning of success. I shared that it is fulfillment and satisfaction. When I drill this down further, I realize that a lot of things can make me satisfied. A friend shared with me that value creation is his definition of success. I realize that it makes a lot of sense. When one adds and creates value in other people and the things (environment, work, etc) around you, you become useful. It makes you successful. It begins to make me wonder how do I make enhancement to my surroundings and the people I care about. I am not advocating that I am going to be Mother Teresa. But, somehow, I have a feeling that Mother Teresa derives her success in her ability to help the poor.

The reason why I shared this is that it seems Esther’s definition of success is about others. It is not about falling back to her wealth and status as Queen. Her heart to help others portray her true beauty. It is her success story. Besides her beauty, she displayed tremendous wisdom and effectiveness. Perhaps her three days of fasting give her time to assess her situation well and plan her steps. This can be seen in how Esther orchestrate the salvation of her people, despite facing oppositions in Haman.

Dear God, help me to have that reflexive reaction to turn to you in prayer. And grant me wisdom to solve life’s man-made problems. I also prayed that I may possess the strength and courage like Esther and Joshua (Joshua 1:9). Amen
