Thursday, May 07, 2009

Being a servant

I have been struggling with some emotional realisations recently and it got rather bad since the beginning of the week. It's not something new that I am experiencing. I have experienced something more or less the same a few years ago. My reponse and approach were to cry whenever I didn't have to attend to anybody. That's the easiest and most direct way of releasing your locked emotions and the most common reactions for girls.

It's more or less the same response this time. The past experience did not help me. I am stuck in the same situation and feel just as bad, even worst.
I have been reading something on serving God recently: It says we were shaped for serving God. There are a combinations of capabilities that God has equipped everyone to serve Him:

Spiritual gifts

In the catergory for experiences, the Bible says, "He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When others are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us." (2 Corinthians 1:4)

That gives me one of the reasons why I am experiencing that kind of bad emotional struggle. I will have to share it and be part of my ministry to help others who face similar problems in the future. But before I can advise, I must first come out of it. I have been thinking real hard as to how this struggle can be properly addressed. I know the conventional approach won't work for me: talking to people about my problem won't solve my problems; occupying myself with a lot of activities will only keep me away from the issue for a short while. But this idea of serving God and putting my experience in use has given me a new insight. I should response to my emotional struggle by involving myself in ministry.

Serving is one of the purposes of our lives, not being served. By serving even in time when I am emotionally down, I can take my focus off myself and redirect the focus on others and on God. So instead of spending time on crying, I should probably be involved myself with serving for God. When I am down, it doesnt' mean that I cannot serve.
"If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anthing done." (Eccelesiastes 11:4)



Ed said...

What do you want to serve in?

Anna said...

maybe kingdom kidz...children are the future pillars of the society...