Friday, February 24, 2006

The Lord is our Banner!!

Hi people,

Was really thinking about the issue of CONTENTMENT the other day, as i was sitting in my room and in one of my moods. Was just looking around my room and was just looking at all the stuff that I have and everything in my house, and was really quite pissed off at certain things, and my thoughts began to turn to the word CONTENTMENT! Have 2 questions really: (1) Are we really content only after God puts things in our lives or gives us the things that we want, OR (2) are we really content with just having God's presence with us? The perennial question that I am asking myself everyday is: what would happen to our faith and love for God one day, if like Job, God decides to take everything away from us. Would our love still be with Him? Or would we have enough faith in Him to trust that all would work out in the end to the good of those who love Him? Ah well, the discussion goes on...

More the next time.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Interesting Parable

Luke 16:1-15: Parable of the Shrewd Manager

Came across this parable yesterday. Think that it is quite interesting and controversial (esp v9).

apparently, the word "shrewd" has been occuring a lot in my life. So, i felt the compulsion to share this with my cell.

Some examples:

Read somewhere in the gospel where it says
"to be as shrewd as the serpent and as innocent as the dove", and

Psalm 18:26 "to the pure, you show yourself pure.
but to the crooked, you showed yourself shrewd"

Thus, I asked myself this:

i) what does it mean to be "shrewd" in our world today? What are the boundaries to shrewdness and innocence?

ii) how do I become shrewd?

think this thread of "shrewdness" has some relevance to our BS of wisdom. So, just post this and hear from you guys. Any comments?


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The Lord is our Banner!!

Hi all...

Read this article some time back about Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I find his arguements/theories (however you wanna see it) very simple but profound. The article offers a introduction into some of his ideas... Enjoy.


Saturday, February 18, 2006

grp photo

Just in case any of u want a copy...

The Value of Work

Hey pple!

Hmm... as I was saying in today's bible study... think one question we shld ask ourselves is 'Why do we work? i.e. what is the driving force behind our work'. Guess itz good to be clear about this so that we don't get lost in the working world when the pressure starts mounting. Herez the hyperlink for the COOS online sermon I was talking about ( Go to the Online Sermons link and look for the title "Why Work" by Derek Hong on 16Jan. in short, it goes thru the wrong, deficient, as well as correct motives for work. well, i found this particular sermon quite relevant... maybe u all can blog any views u haf after listening to it.

anyway, side issue: Don't u think time passes really fast? it seems not too long ago that our cell was in the phase where pple were in jc/early-uni n the guys were in army... n now, most of us r either working or going to work soon! heh.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

The Lord is our Banner!!

The Lord is our Banner!!

Hello to all...Today's BS was lead by Sarah Sum on Ecc 1: 12-2:16,


To sum up what we have learnt, we need to find out what is meaningful to us.

At the end of the bible study, we're left with 2 impt Ques to answer...

Q1: How have u been convinced of e meaninglessness of living outside of Christ's lordship?

Q2: Wat would help u turn your desire for meaning in life into a wholehearted pursuit of GOD?

So let us be conscious about what avenues do we look to today in our quest for fulfillment?

U're free to blog ur thoughts and feeling...=)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

3rd posting

Ok... So there are not many posts on this blog yet.
Nvm, maybe everyone forgot the userid and password... hwee cheng dun mind that i changed the size of the fonts for the entries? i found the previous ones abit small, not very good for my eyesight. I've included a little site meter on the bottom right of the screen so we can monitor how many pple actually visit this blog... Ok, gg for class now...