Monday, April 13, 2009

Logical decision?

We are always being told that we should try to discern God's plan for us. We should try to listen to God's small voices to us. I've been thinking of my future plans for the past few months and I have been trying hard to practise this. But I just find it hard.

At one moment, the circumstances that I was presented directed me to option A, but within twenty-four hours, something could happen that pushed me to opt for option B. It's just difficult to know what God's plan for me really is.

I've been discussing and writing to a dear Christian friend about me wanting to listen to what God really wants me to do, whether the path that I am taking is really honouring and serving God . She told me that she has stopped trying to go for this fast and easy option to seek what God's will for her is. She said what is more important and real is to search your heart and see what you really want. God has planted what he wants in our hearts. So if we search our hearts thoroughly, we should know what ultimately God wants us to do. Doesn't it sound illogical and emotional?

Her reply is probably in contrary to what most books are suggesting. On the other hand, if I think about it deeper, I guess this can be so if God is sitting right in the middle of our hearts occupying a very important position. Otherwise, we would be blinded by our selfish motives to satisfy our selfish needs and desires.

If this is really true, I am back to square one. I've tried to leave this decision-making task to God, thinking that He will have planned it and He would drop hints for me to pick up. But now, my friend is suggesting that the solution is to ask myself what my heart really wants, because God has already planted the answer there. In fact, this is the questions that a number of friends have asked me when I discussed my trouble in making decisions.

This is probably a big challenge for me because I am very logical. No matter how much I desire something, I would not go for it if it is illogical, never have I really added this element of what my heart really desires to the decision-making process. It's probably logical and necessary to add this element to the derivation of the decision now.



Rj said...

Hi Anna,

I have read this article previously on discerning the will of God for the major decisions in life. Hope it gives u some insight as to what your friend means about asking yourself what you want:

As a Christian, I have always asked the question of How does God speak to us humans. I have heard many Christians say that they heard God speaking to them and I have tried to listen to this still small voice too in my QT many times but nothing was heard but only my thoughts. I have then grown very skeptical to the concept of being able to hear this voice literally.

However, I do believe that today God does speak to me. Not through an audible voice but through reminders from verses in the bible and also things that ought to be done. I remember one time where I was just crossing the road in school when suddenly a reminder to continue memorising scripture as part of my QT suddenly came to my mind. I tried to argue that it could be a random thought from myself. In the end, I choose to believe that it was God that reminded me to be obedient to him because it says in the bible that the Holy Spirit will teach us and remind us of all things. This is where I exercise my faith in God and His word. How can I complain that God does not speak to me when I myself doubt everything He tries to do? I was contradicting myself and it was not logical.

Anyway, I hope that you will be able to come to a conclusion for your decision making process. Sometimes we need to examine what we base our logic on. I think that even logic is based on certain predetermined assumptions. Maybe we need to examine these assumptions as well.

Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding.

Prov 3:5

Take care and have a good week.


Ruijie said...

Opps sorry, this is the URL to the article I was reading, it was taken from a friend's blog:


Ruijie said...

I think this is a great topic to discuss in cell. It is relevant and it is faced by most people. Do you think we should do that?

Ruijie said...

I think its a great discussion topic definitely. The concept of listening to God has always baffled me. It would be good if everyone can share their experiences too.

Anna said...

Good article, Ruijie. I agree with that.