Friday, August 21, 2009

Reflection on the devotional comment on Colossians 3:23

I think it's very true that very often we get too absorbed about ourselves that we have failed to take a helicopter view of everything, especially with regards to relationship.

A lot of times when we love or hate a person, we get too emotionally involved to that extent that there is only this particular person in the whole world. In effect, the position of God in our hearts has been compromised, diminished or even taken over. And things will get out of hands because we no longer allow God to pacify our hearts.

Once there was a radio interview with an old lady whose husband has just died. The couple have lived most parts of their lives together and everybody knew that they were loving couple. So, the interviewer asked her whether she was very sad and whether she would be able to overcome this lost. She replied that she would be able to let go without problems, because as a Christian, the one that she loved most was Jesus Christ.

That old lady illustrates very well that as long as we rest our human relationships in God, even the husband and wife relationship, we will not be too carried away to the extent that we lose our senses.

In the same token, in employer and employee relationship, sometimes we are too absorbed that our bosses did not really justifiably reward us. But if we put God in the picture, we won't be angry that much. Once a friend told me that he used to work under a supervisor that was very good in his work, but his boss did not appreciate him. This supervisor always told him that "God is with me." so that supervisor was not angry. Of course when it's time for that supervisor to move on, he did move on. But during that time when he was unjustifiably treated, he was still at peace with God and did not let the human relationship bother him much. I have been practising this for the past few months and it works well. Sometimes I forget but still I keep trying.

Important reminder that it's not about me and him/her, but about putting God in the center of our lives.



Ruijie said...

Good one Anna,very encouraging words indeed and also to know that you have had peace at work.
I agree that as Christians we have the benefit of knowing our assurance is in Christ and not just what pple particularly our bosses or peers think about us. This underlying truth helps us in our earthly relationships and is the guiding principle on how we should react to our bosses and peers. Hmmm, now the second part to this truth is for me to live out what I believe at my workplace too... I must say it is a challenge but Phil 4:13 tells me its possible.

Anna said...

Ha, Ruijie, it's very true that workplace is a place to mold us and shape us, not just a place to earn money. But good thing is that you have many people in the cell who are already out in the work force and can give you encouragement to spur you on. Ha. =)

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