Friday, January 23, 2009

The Parable of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast (Luke 13:18-21)

Recently, I am starting a series of reading the parables that Jesus preach on. Today, I am studying the above mentioned parables. So, what did I learnt?

1. As obvious as it sounds, everything needs time for it to grow. No one becomes great overnight. Beckham does not become a great crosser of the ball overnight. From something raw, they grow and become good. Like the mustard seed, all things start small and grow to something fruitful.

2. Everything needs to work hard to get something. Again, this is obvious. Like the yeast parable, the woman has to work through the dough to get something she wants. Like Tiger Woods and Beckham, they practice and practice and work very hard. In fact, somebody says it takes 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration to be great.

3. So, how do I get the fine balance between work and relaxation? I was exploring this question. Would I rather be overwhelmed with work or overwhelmed with lack of work? Honestly, I prefer the earlier. Naturally, I am a lazy guy. But, I know that I like to achieve something. I like to make my life meaningful. So, I prefer to be overwhelmed with work and challenge myself to complete them efficiently and productively.

Back to the first question, I believe it is all about prioritizing and planning. For me, I split my work to a “Things to do” quadrant (of Urgent/Non Urgent; High Margin/Low Margin) and Schedule of “Things to do”.

4. Applying this to Nissi, I realize that cell is like a mustard seed and it takes time for it to grow. Success in cell does not come overnight. It takes time and hard work. But, surely, it will grow and become good. I am confident of it.
5. In other areas of my life, I am very excited and involved – work, church, cell and evangelism. I just can’t wait for it to grow and let God do such a wonderful work in it. As of now, I am prepared to work hard and work hand in hand with God. Like the woman in the parable, God will provide the large amount of flour and I will work through all the dough. So, help me, Lord I pray.


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